Saturday, October 2, 2010

Healthy Meal Plan

This is a very general sketch of what I eat.  I try to eat like this 90% of the time, and I give myself 10% wiggle room.  It takes discipline to do it this way, so if you're a fall off the wagon type, try to stay clean 100% of the time.  It is important to make a plan that you can live with.  You have to prepare yourself, and you have to incoporate things that you really enjoy eating. 

For this meal plan, you can switch out any lean protein for another.  Chicken.  Turkey.  Fish.  Chicken.  Turkey.  Fish.  Got it?  Let's go!  Oh, yeah!  Tofu.  =-)

Sample Healthy Meal Plan

Meal 1 5:30 a.m. – six egg whites + 1 baked sweet potato w/ Splenda and cinnamon or protein shake and oatmeal or any lean protein and complex carb  - 2 flax seed oil pills, 1 CLA pill, 1 L-Carnitine pill

Meal 2 – 8:30 a.m. – Protein shake and fruit or apples and natural peanut butter

Meal 3 – 11:30 a.m. – Grilled chicken salad with low fat dressing or chicken breast with brown rice and green veggie, or turkey sandwich on wheat w/ fruit or small salad  - 2 flax seed oil pills, 1 CLA pill

Meal 4 – 2:30 p.m. - Protein shake and fruit or apples and natural peanut butter

Meal 55:30 p.m – lean meat (poultry or fish), complex carb (rice, potato, or wheat roll), and green veggie  - 2 flax seed oil pils, 1 CLA pill

Meal 6  - (if you’re hungry) – 1 can of albacore tuna, veggies, or protein shake w/ veggies

Drink 1 gallon of water spaced throughout the day

Other tips –
  1. Try to drink at least one gallon of water/day.
  2. Try to eat your fats as far away from your workout time as possible.
  3. Eat slow digesting carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes) early in the day. 
  4. Eat fast digesting carbs (fruit, white rice, white potatoes) immediately before and immediately after workouts.
  5. Eat protein and fruit or veggie with every meal.
  6. If you are weight training, try to do 10 minutes of cardio before lifting.  Follow your weight training session with 20 – 30 minutes of cardio as well.
  7. If possible, do 30 minutes of cardio, a couple of times per week, soon after you wake up and on an empty stomach.
Supplements – You can get all of this at GNC or any supplement store.  You can buy the L-Carnitine at the drug store.

Fat Burner – Atro-phex by BSN - Follow the instructions on the label – I highly recommend this one.  It’s the best I’ve ever used.

Protein Powder – Syntha 6 by BSN – It tastes great and has a mix of whey (fast digesting) and casein (slow digesting) protein.

CLA - Conjugated Lineolic Acid - It's a natural fat burning aid.  It's especially good for belly fat.

L-Carnitine - An amino acid that is also great for belly fat burning.

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